Table of Illustrations I. Introduction II. Introduction to the Alexander Technique III. Introduction to the Self-Experiments
PART 1: HOW DO YOU MOVE? TALES FROM THE BEGINNING 1. Surprising Observations John, Part One 2. A Malfunctioning Locomotor System Erin, Part One 3. How Did We Get This Way? From Fish to Horse to Biped 4. Standing on Two Legs: The Biped’s Challenge
SELF-EXPERIMENTS A. Rest Your Back Semi-supine Prone B. Motion and Mind How You Move Can You Change? Noticing Your Habit Your Mind-Body Connection
PART 2: HOW DO YOU FEEL? THE MIND-BODY LINK 5. A Sense of Feeling 6. Feelings Gone Wrong Gary Betty, Part One 7. The Feeling of Fear How We Perceive Danger 8. Fear’s Body-Mind In the Grip of Fear A Threatening Injury The Shrinking World of Pain 9. Anxiety and Performance Bruce, Part One 10. Attention, Awareness, and Conscious Inhibition Bruce, Part Two
PART 3: HOW DO YOU THINK? THE MIND CHANGES EVERYTHING 11. A Fine Day in London with Nothing to Feel 12. Finding The Thinking Mind The Light in the Attic Surprises and Beliefs 13. Believing Is Not Seeing 14. The Difference that Inhibition Makes Erin, Part Two 15. You Have a Helper
SELF-EXPERIMENTS C. How to Inhibit Quieting Your Inner Conversation Turning on Your Prefrontal Cortex Thinking with Meaning The Positive “No” Conscious Inhibition D. Acts of Inhibition Stop Moving Thinking of Not Doing Letting Your Helper Do It Letting Go of Belief
PART 4: SPACE AND DIRECTION: OUR HIDDEN SENSE 16. Fewer Words, More Space Cleo Meghan 17. More Problems with Feelings Nathan Nancy 18. Balance and Coordination 19. A New Way of Moving Brian Betty, Part Two
SELF-EXPERIMENTS E. How to Direct Think of a Cube Up-Down, Wide, Forward-Back Putting Directions Together Turning Your Head Forward and Up Thinking Names of Body Parts Alexander’s Directions F. Moving with Inhibition and Direction Bending Your Leg Moving Forward and Back Standing and Sitting
PART 5: TOUCH: OUR FORGOTTEN SENSE 20. Touching the Heart Sam What is it About Touch? 21. The Teacher’s Hands
PART 6: CONSCIOUSNESS: OUR NEWEST SENSE 22. Pain-Free and Moving Again John, Part Two 23. An Incredible Lightness of Being Erin, Part Three 24. Speaking from My Self Greg 25. Self-Mastery: Connection
SELF-EXPERIMENTS G. Strengthen Your Back Neck Extensors Neck and Back Extensors H. Self-Mastery Every Day Exercise Sports Practice and Performance Anxiety Pain How You Live
Appendix: How to Find A Teacher Glossary Notes Bibliography Acknowledgments Index